Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the Boarder Induction Program

    • Hi and Welcome!

    • Welcome Everyone!

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    Preparing for your first term

    • Packing List

    • Personal Items

    • Labelling uniforms and other clothes

    • Attire outside of school

    • Boarders Using Medication

    • Move in and move out day

    • Positive Mind-frame and Attitude

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    During your first term

    • Prep time

    • Study Skills

    • Homesickness

    • Checking in and out of the BH

    • Leave

    • Events and Trainings Off Campus

    • Start of Year Programs

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    Free time/weekends

    • Weekend Activities

    • Technology

    • Common Rooms

    • Afternoons in the Boarding House

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    Living with others

    • Morning and night-time routine

    • Dorm Rooms

    • The Importance of a Routine

    • Buddy System

    • Where do boarders come from?

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    Important things to know

    • Explanation of the staff roles

    • Meals

    • A Helpful App

    • Some Extra Information

    • Some Quotes for You

    • Thank you!

    • Feedback